Ciclovia dell’acquedotto

Natural Site

The Ciclovia Dell’acquedotto Pugliese is a cycle tour of about 500 km that follows the route of two historical pipelines of the aqueduct: the main channel, from Caposele (AV) to Villa Castelli (BR), which in just nine years (1906-1915) managed to get The water in Bari, and the large siphon Leccese, which from the end point of the first reaches Santa Maria di Leuca (LE), where the infrastructure is celebrated with a monumental waterfall built in 1939. It is a unique “narrative itinerary” that crosses three regions of southern Italy (Campania, Basilicata and Puglia), linking some of the most fascinating and still little valued places of the peninsula: Alta Irpina, Vulture Melfese, Alta Murgia, Valle d’itria, Land of Arneo and hinterland of Salento.

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